Sunday, March 6, 2022

Warnie-Magician He Was

 Well Well Well!!! This has struck everyone like me. I had not thought that I would anytime be writing about him. But I believe his untimely death has stirred me up as it might have done to others.Life is infact like that we don’t know what we would be doing next minute/hour/month and Years. Yet we cannot help but brood and get worried about the Future which is not in our Hands.. Don’t try to Control the Uncontrollables. Should be more concerned about the Controllables and live in the moment as Warne Confessed that he always lived in the Moment and Cricket was very simpple for him. 

 First of all why I should be writing about Warne. He doesn’t runs my house nor does he pay my bills… But he did entertained us with his willy Craft. Gave us a reason to see the exquisite  art which he had and mesmerised us all. We belong to a generation which grew up Watching Him, Akram, McGrath  Sachin etc to name a few as far as cricket is concerned.  

He made his debut at time when the fast bowling was glorified and the Akrams, Waqars,and Ambrose dominated the World and and not many legspinners had adorned the game.

Announced his arrival on the World Stage with grandeur  with his 1st Ball of the Ashes becoming the Ball of the Century by getting Mike Getting Out.

He can be credited with making  the Legspin Attractive and  reinventing the art. He was a courageus and Attacking Bowler like Fast Bowlers. Treat to watch when he was bowling in Tandem with McGrath.. Whenver Taylor, Waugh and Punter threw the Ball to him you knew you are in for a ride and its going to be exhilarating one. Of Course he was ably supported by Healy and Gilchrist behind the stumps.

He turned the ball square. We all tried to emulate him and is action in our playing days. I certainly did though it’s a different matter never succeeded. Tried to spin the ball from the leg stump which never did and resulted in Wides and Byes Sometimes.

He Transcended the Game and of course he was a showman. He would lit up the stage whichever stage it was and he enjoyed adulation.

 He was photographed wherever he went and which he didn’t liked because with him the Liz Hurleys and Jemimma Khans were also in the frame.

He was a bluffmaster always outdid the Bastmen and was a nemesis for Pakistanis & England Players not to forget South African Cricketer Darryl Cullinan who had to take thereapy because of him.

His Story was not of Perpetual Glory.  Had his own shares of Ups and Downs.Broken Marriage, Sex Scandal, and  Drug Controversy which  led to his ousting from World Cup 2003.  Always in the news for his demeanors off the field, but quite strangely enough it didn’t effected his performances on the field. He did paid the price for the same by not becoming the Captain of the Australian Cricket Team, the second most coveted job after that of being the Prime Minister of Australia.

Had this ability of keeping Professional and Personal Lifes Completely Seperate and operated in Silo.  

He had said “ I liked loud music, I smoked, drank and bowled a bit of leg spin.” That’s Warne for you straight and simple. He never pretended to be the person which he was not. 

He was the man of the match in the Semifinals and Finals of the 1999 World Cup taking 4  wickets each  against South Africa and Pakistan if my memory serves me right..

He had won 91 out of the 144 tests he had played for Australia and Australia rode on Him as he had a lot to do with its Ressurgence.

He liked to make things happen. He did against the South Africa in the Semifinals of the 1999 World Cup where Australia defended 213 where at one stage they were 48 for zero. It was the non-moving pitch. Removed Gibbs,Cronje and Kirsten in quick succession and the match was tied at 213 and as we all remember Austrlia Progressed to the final having defeated South Africa in the League Stage. Another instance Probably was 1996 World Cup where Tayor gave the ball to him when Australia had only 40 runs to defend and guess what Australia Won with Warne Producing the magical numbers once again.

 He was a bright Comet in the Cricket's Galaxy.In the team of Best he was cut above the rest.

When he was bowling you would feel as if every delivery had something on it. He would set up the batsman couple of overs before the final nail in the Coffin. He would bowl a short one going to be put away for four above mid-wicket, then another one would be a legs pin outside off stump to be put over point and then there will be leg spin Deliveries.. An the Final one would be a flipper which would  keep low and would skid faster getting the batsman Plumb or bowled.

Richie Benaud would say “He has done him between his legs”.

 Will never forget the manner of his appeals asking questions to the umpire bending on one leg . And in another instance doffing his Hat which only belonged to him.

Well he was the Captain and the Coach Himself for the Inaugral IPL edition in 2008 for Rajasthan Royals. Such was his cricketing Brain. He was the best Captain which Australia never had.  People would have laughed at us if somedody had Predicted. This was a starless team. . He actually pulled out the IPL Tournament from thin air. That speaks volumes about his Leadership Style. Before the Semifinals of IPL 2008 against Delhi Daredevils he went to Yosuf Pathan put a hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes, didn't uttered a word and he responded by playing a knock of 43 something from 21 deliveries. 

Statistics are like Biknis, they hide more than what they reveal.Murli might have taken  more wickets than him but the guile, deception and the ability to outthink the Bastman which he had made him the Best Spinner the game has ever produced and the he had carried that mantle all along.

Was very Vocal about his opinions and always had an answer what Australian and England Team were doing Wrong. Didn’t advocated the John Buchanan’s  Coaching style and was of the view that one doesn’t needs coaching at the apex level.

Even after retirement in 2007 he had enthralled us with his Cricketing logic sitting in the Commentary Box voicing his opinions which proved to be right more often than not. Have Gone too too early and Cricketing World has lost a star. He recently had expressed his deire of Coaching England Cricket Team.

We will Miss you Warne and and  your contrarian views on the Cricket. Game will never be the same again.